Welcome to our website
We are extremely proud of our cosy setting and our wonderful staff. We aim to make a positive difference to every child that attends our pre school.
We are located in Preston Village Hall and set up our pre-school every day to resemble a ‘non pack away’ setting, using children sized furniture with lots of cosy areas to play in, just like you would find in many pre-schools that have permanent fixtures.
We have, water and messy play, a home corner, a snuggly book area, woodwork and tinkering station, art and craft areas to name but a few, plus a wonderful outside garden with a water wall, mud kitchen and lots of construction activities and bug hotels to keep all little minds busy whilst learning and having fun!
Learning with us
Children learn through play and experiences that capture their imaginations. Families provide these experiences at home and at Preston preschool, we aim to build upon these and create a culture of awe and wonder.
Throughout the pre-school week, your child will:
Begin each session with ‘dough disco’ this activity helps to build fine motor skills and enhance muscle control to improve later literacy skills.
Freely explore both the inside and outside environment which has been creatively set up according to the current interests of the cohort.
Initiate their own child led play alongside various curriculum led activities.
Have the opportunity to take turns in cutting and preparing snack.
Enjoy signing nursery rhymes, songs, raps poems, musical instruments led by our skilled team.
Build phonetic knowledge through short, fun activities linked to Read, Write, Inc.
Share stories together using a range of different resources for example, props, drama and role play.
Join in with, small group adult led activities such as, cooking, writing, creating story books or activities with a mathematical or scientific focus.
Be able to choose a story book, book bag or home learning activity. Research by the Nuffield Foundation and the University of Newcastle has shown that parents and carers who read with Pre-School children are giving them a language advantage of eight months. Further information can be found here.
Funding & Fees
Our hourly rate is £5.20 we are open on Monday – Friday (term time only)
There is a half termly fee of £15 which contributes towards the costs of resources that we provide for our fun activities. To reserve your space a joining fee of £25 is payable, this fee includes your child’s pre- school sweatshirt, t-shirt and water bottle.
Our sessions are 3,4 or 6 hours long. All sessions begin at 08.45. We provide a healthy mid- morning snack.
Our sessions times are:
Monday to Friday: 8:45am – 2:45pm
Get in touch!
Please contact us if you would like to arrange to look around our setting, we would love to hear from you. Just let us know your details as stated above together with the age and name of your child, we will get back to you as soon as we can.
If we do not get back to you within 5 days then for some reason we have not received your request, please do telephone us, during our opening hours, to make arrangements.
Telephone: 07826 018677
Email: office@prestonpreschool.co.uk
Ofsted Report
We are delighted that in our most recent inspection in May 2023 we were rated by Ofsted as ‘GOOD’ for our overall quality and standards at our setting. Please find our latest OFSTED report here: https://files.ofsted.gov.uk/v1/file/50220041